This project is similar to "1000 journals" but it is more contained. A book was sent between 4 artists for 36 weeks and they didn't communicate with each other whilst the book was being worked on. The 4 artists are Mac Premo, Oliver Jeffers, Duke Riley and Rory Jeffers. Two of the artists live in Brooklyn and the other two live in Brussels. The artists also have to continue their work onto the next page to inspire the next artist that they send it to. The artwork in it is interesting and each artists has included a "commentary" with their work so that the viewer can further appreciate it. I think it's amazing to see what artists were thinking when they create they're work as sometimes the meaning is the most important part!
" OLI: Well the whole thing is a response to Mac's (last spread). The cause and effect sparked the expectation versus reality. Now if he picks up milk expecting it to be orange juice, will he be surprised and will that milk for a brief second taste disgusting? If you know what you're getting, does that change how you perceive it? "
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