
ARTIST:Liu Bolin

When asked what superpower you would like to have if you had a choice of anything in the world, some would say the ability to read minds; some would say that they want to fly and others may choose the power to be invisible. For Bolin, being invisible is not a super power, it's part of his art. He paints his body to blend in with surroundings and camouflages against backgrounds. "Bolin says his art is a protest against the actions of the Government, who shut down his art studio in 2005 and persecutes artists."
Check out the image below, it took me several minutes to find him! More examples of his work can be found here: http://www.odditycentral.com/pics/meet-the-real-life-invisible-man.html

(Thanks to Sacha for recommending this artist )


Jeans Music

So this isn't really related to art but I still thought it was pretty inspiring and cool. I love videos like this where people make music out of really unconventional stuff. Link me some videos if you know any. After this video, you will never look at a pair of Jeans in the same way again!
"We believe that even ill-fitting jeans have something to contribute. That’s why we asked many of our customers to send us their obsolete pair…
…And approached artist Andrew Huang to do something never heard before: Create a musical celebration of jeans."


Facebook as Inspiration

Check out this series of cartoons/caricatures all drawn using Facebook friends as inspiration! This is such an awesome idea and definitely one to try out in your own artistic style, whether that be cartooning, drawing, painting, whatever! I love how he's added some comedy to some of the cartoons and changed up the props/put in some extra characters. Click here to see the entire series: http://www.booksofadam.com/2011/05/never-be-my-friend.html

Sharpie Magic

Not a lot has to be said about this guy. Charlie Kratzer decided one day to decorate his entire basement using only sharpie pens (permanent markers). Insane and amazing, I would never be brave enough to do this! This website has some more information as well as a 360 degree panorama of the entire room: http://www.kentucky.com/2008/09/23/532854/man-decorates-basement-with-10.html

ARTIST: Andrew Myers

This artist uses 1000s of screws to create 3D portraits of his subjects. Not only does he screw in each piece individually, he then paints them one by one almost like a "pixel" effect. He doesn't use any computers to work out the colours/depths of the screws and does it all from photographs.
The backgrounds of the sculptures are made up of pages from a phonebook from the subject's home town. I think that's a nice little addition to make the portrait even more personal. Check out some more examples of his pieces here: http://www.andrewmyersart.com/#/screw_art/