
abc of me

a - available - yes
b - bed size - king, but i only sleep on half
c - cookies or cake - it's got to be cake
d - drink of choice - lemon ice tea, the real kind
e - essential start your day item: toothpaste
f - favorite board game: monopoly or pictionary
g - gold or silver: gold
h - height: about 5,3" or 5,4"
i - instruments you play(ed): attempted guitar and piano
j - job title: student
k - kid(s): none
l - Living arrangements: with the fam
m - movie genre: cheesy romance or comedy
n - nicknames: namy, nam, panda, meg
o - outdoor activity you enjoy the most: cycling
p - pet peeve: people who push in queues (apart from in the canteen)
q - quote from a movie: "4 for you glen coco, you go glen coco"
r - right or left handed: right
s - sibling(s): a brother
t - time you wake up: 5.50-ish on a weekday
u - unknown fact: i always cry at the happy moments in movies, never at the sad parts
v - vegetable favorite: cucumber or eggplant
w - worst habit: procrastinating

x - X-rays you've had: chest
y - Yummy food you make: toasties?
z - zodiac: libra

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