
Fred and Friends

I'm pretty sure you've all seen "Fred and Friends" products in stores such as Paperchase and Virgin Megastore. I absolutely love all of their stuff! Each item is so amazingly designed and all the products manage to be funny, really smart and sometimes useful as well. They would make great quirky presents for anyone so think of them next time you need to buy a gift. Fred and Friends make everything from office stationary to kitchen accessories.

Ninjabread Men - "they're cut out for action"

Face Hunter

For all you fashion fans out there this is a blog you're sure to love. Photos taken on the city streets of people with amazing style from all over the world (but mainly in London I think). Really interesting style inspiration from alternative fashion that you don't see every day.


Living Room

Could this be the future of interior design? A couple of projectors and a computer is all you need to get dozens of textures and patterns and combinations. It might look a bit strange when people actually use the room though because their shadows would ruin the design!

ARTIST: Antonio Jorge Goncalves

This artist draws people on subways in 10 different countries. I think it's a pretty cool subject because I love to people watch in malls or at restaurants. Seeing what moods different people are in, what they are wearing and where they are from can be really fun! Antonio Goncalves says that his subjects choose him and he just draws whoever sits in front of him.

The World Is Obsessed With Facebook

Some crazy Facebook stats. I know I'm obsessed!


Such an awesome installation by Irina Werning.
I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today... A few months ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future."
love the whole idea of these photos! She has re-created them with crazy levels of attention to detail. It's hilarious seeing how some people have changed! Can you imagine doing this with some of your old family photos? http://irinawerning.com/back-to-the-fut/back-to-the-future/


This project is similar to "1000 journals" but it is more contained. A book was sent between 4 artists for 36 weeks and they didn't communicate with each other whilst the book was being worked on. The 4 artists are Mac Premo, Oliver Jeffers, Duke Riley and Rory Jeffers. Two of the artists live in Brooklyn and the other two live in Brussels. The artists also have to continue their work onto the next page to inspire the next artist that they send it to. The artwork in it is interesting and each artists has included a "commentary" with their work so that the viewer can further appreciate it. I think it's amazing to see what artists were thinking when they create they're work as sometimes the meaning is the most important part!

" OLI: Well the whole thing is a response to Mac's (last spread). The cause and effect sparked the expectation versus reality. Now if he picks up milk expecting it to be orange juice, will he be surprised and will that milk for a brief second taste disgusting? If you know what you're getting, does that change how you perceive it? "



With Bansky in the news recently after his Oscar nomination, people have been talking about whether graffiti can be considered as a form of art or is it just an act of vandalism? In my opinion graffiti is as respectable as any other art by Picasso or Monet, the only difference is the canvas which it is made on! For anyone still left in doubt check out these pictures of graffiti from all over the world - you can't deny that the people who made these are extremely talented! http://www.drweb.de/magazin/60-remarkable-examples-of-graffiti-art/

-- Graffiti in a Favella (slum) in Rio de Janeiro


Google Art Project

Wow! This brand new project launched by Google is still in it's early stages but I think it's going to grow into something huge. Google has used their 'Street View' technology to map out some of the biggest art galleries in the world. Now you can visit galleries in London, New York and Madrid all from the comfort of your own home. This project will hopefully make Art more accessible for people in all corners of the world. It's still very limited but hopefully entire galleries will be available soon.

I've only looked at the Tate in London so far (as it's the only one that I've been to) and it's really exciting being able to zoom right in on the pictures. However, I don't think that this can be a replacement for seeing the pieces in real life. The feeling when you see these famous paintings in front of you just can't be re-created through a computer screen... Until I'm able to visit all of these countries though, I guess this will have to do!

The Daily Nail

This site was created by a lady in Las Vegas who started a project do create a different nail design for every day of the year. Although the year is over she still tries to update the blog as often as possible! her designs are amazingly creative and always leave me in awe since I find one base coat hard enough! www.daily-nail.blogspot.com

Carbon Made

All art enthusiasts and students should have this website bookmarked on their computers. Professional artists, illustrators, photographers, fashion designers and architects have all set up online portfolios here. It's an endless source of inspiration and lot's of fun to browse. http://carbonmade.com

You can set up your own portfolio on carbonmade for a minimal cost but for a great free alternative visit www.deviantart.com
- a huge online art community.

HERE'S A LINK TO MY DEVIANTART PAGE, please visit the gallery and feel free to comment! www.smellslikepanda.deviantart.com

1000 Journals

This is another global scale creative project where journals are passed around and anyone who receives or finds one has a chance to draw or write or express themselves however they want within the pages of the book. http://www.1000journals.com

If you ask a kindergarten class how many of them are artists, they'll all raise their hands. Ask the same question of 6th graders, and maybe one third will respond. Ask high school grads, and few will admit to it. What happens to us growing up? We begin to fear criticism, and tend to keep our creativity to ourselves. Many people keep journals, of writing or sketching, but not many share them with people. (when was the last time a friend invited you to read their diary?) You will not be judged here. And you will have company. This is for you. For everyone."