
Design Seeds

Anyone else out there just LOVE colour? Those paint pallet samples from Ace Hardware were used for many a craft project in my childhood. I love combining colours, mixing colours, clashing colours, rainbows. Whether it be getting a manicure (always takes me forever to decide); putting together an outfit; redecorating my room or creating some art, choosing the colours is often the longest yet still my favourite part of the process. I find it fascinating when colours just work together when you really feel they shouldn't. I'm not talking red, white and blue here but things like orange and beige, try it - it works. 

Maybe that's why I love this website http://design-seeds.com. A pallet of colours is chosen based on a picture which often evokes a mood or feeling. This is super useful if you're looking for a colour scheme for your next interior decoration project (and IKEA is not providing enough inspiration) or you're stuck on where to start on a poster that you have to design. The colour "dropper" tool (technical name?) on photoshop really comes into use here! The website is neat and simple and I could look at it all day! 



Continuing on from the theme of science and art that inspired Julien Picaud, I introduce to you photographer Fabien Oefner and his collection - Millefiori. In my opinion, art is always about inspiration and experimentation and here Oefner says he was inspired by science and technology blogs as well as the work of Japanese artist Sachiko Kodama. He uses watercolours mixed with ferrofluids (a magnetic, viscous solution). He says that photography is a beautiful thing because you can capture tiny, precious moments that happen in a second and preserve them forever, this is true if you are an amazingly talented photographer. My photos sadly never look as good as the image I am trying to capture in real life! 
Here are some examples of some of his fantastic multi coloured, magnetic, seaweed brains and his website so you can see his other work. Apparently he's also going to be speaking at the TEDx event at my university next year! Will definitely have to get tickets for that. http://www.fabianoefner.com/ (There is also an awesome video of the ferrofluid being combined with the watercolours on there!)



"Il Dito" in Italian means the finger, which is the main subject for artist Dito Von Tease who creates celebrity portraits with the main subject being an index finger, this is seriously photoshop mastery.
The images are cute and amusing but the work deals with the deeper meaning of identity (especially for celebrities) and what the fingerprint represents in terms of information and uniqueness. You can just take the images at face value though (pun 100% intended) and try to guess what celebrity they are trying to represent! These are 3 of my favourites.


Sorry if the page was going a bit crazy in the past hour! Been doing some major re-decorating, hope you like it! 

Panic Room

Sick music, cool graffiti, cress idea. Watch the vid.


ARTIST: Julien Pacuad

Hey there!
*insert standard apology for not blogging in ages*
I found this awesome artist the other day - Julien Pacaud.  He is a french artist who is fantastically quirky. On his website it says that he "
hopes he can someday have enough free time to devote himself to his real passion : time travel."
I am a massive fan of collage and my recent obsession with anything to do with space/galaxies/star print meant that Pacaud is the artist of my dreams! He combines vintage images with modern prints and concepts and his work has a scientific edge to it which was probably influenced by his previous job as an astrophysicist. 
His work is pretty surreal (a style that I am usually not a fan of), but I think he makes it work really well because of the simple shapes that uses.
Check him out here: http://www.julienpacaud.com/  
I even created a new cover photo for my Facebook profile inspired by his work! 

 Artwork for Tamara Goukassova's EP : "August in September"

my inspired collage